AUO Photovoltaic Modules Approved For U.S. Market


AU Optronics Corp. (AUO) says that its multicrystalline solar modules EcoDuo PM220P00 and EcoDuo PM240P00 and its monocrystalline solar module GreenTriplex PM250M00 have been added to the California Energy Commission's (CEC) list of eligible equipment.

This certification allows the modules to officially enter into the U.S market. Residential and business consumers can receive financial rebates if they purchase and install solar systems from the CEC's Eligible Solar Electric Equipment List, AUO says. These solar modules must pass the UL 1703 testing to ensure safety, reliability and compliance with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation for the maximum power determination and measurement of temperature coefficients.

AUO modules also can be sold in other U.S. states that have adopted the CEC standards, such as Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

SOURCE: AU Optronics Corp.

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