Commerce Announces Final Decision In Chinese Solar Trade Case


The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced its final determinations in its anti-dumping and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations into solar cells imported from China.

The investigations were launched last October, when SolarWorld and its partners in the Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing filed a complaint alleging that low-cost Chinese imports were harming the U.S. solar manufacturing industry.

The DOC has determined that Chinese producers/exporters have sold solar cells in the U.S. at dumping margins ranging from 18.32% to 249.96%. The agency also determined that Chinese producers/exporters have received countervailable subsidies of 14.78% to 15.97%.

Suntech received a final anti-dumping rate of 31.73%, while Trina Solar received a final rate of 18.32%. Trina's rate represents a reduction from the initial margin announced by the DOC in May. Fifty-nine other named companies, including most of the widely recognized Chinese manufacturers, received a rate of 25.96%. All others received a rate of 249.96%.

In the CVD investigation, Suntech and 10 of its affiliates were determined to have a final net subsidy rate of 14.78%. Trina was determined to have a final net subsidy rate of 15.97%. All other Chinese producers/exporters received a final net subsidy rate of 15.24%.

In addition, the DOC found that critical circumstances exist in the CVD investigation, which will make most of the tariffs retroactive 90 days from the DOC's May announcement.

Watch for continued coverage, including reaction from both sides of the conflict.

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