Enerconcept Technologies Inc., based in Magog, Quebec, has introduced the Luba GL, a rooftop solar hot air collector designed for supplemental outside air heating in commercial, institutional and industrial facilities.
Luba GL technology boasts a maximum thermal output of 247 BTU/h/ft2 (780 watts/m2) and airflow of 6 cfm to 12 cfm per 112 (L) x 36 (H) x 8 (D)-inch collector, the company says. The unit features a lightweight twin-wall, 1/4-inch-thick (10 mm) polycarbonate glazing and 26.4 square-foot (2.5 square-meter) black aluminum back panel.
The Luba GL's back panel perforations transpire air from outside to within the collector from the backside, which reduces heat loss and eliminates the weight and cost of insulation used in other collectors, Enerconcept adds. The perforations are covered by a thin, lightweight layer of filtering and heat absorbing felt.
The collector is installed in series and connects directly to a manifold that feeds a bypass/mixing box for the building's HVAC system. It can provide up to 15% to 30% of outside air heating requirements, depending on geography and weather, according to Enerconcept.