Eoplly, Solar Street Lights Complete Emergency Systems


Eoplly USA Inc., a designer and manufacturer of solar products, and Solar Street Lights USA Inc., a manufacturer of solar street lights and storage systems, have completed approximately 50 early-notification and emergency warning systems in Detroit.

The systems were funded through a Federal Emergency Management Agency and Department of Homeland Security grant to upgrade warning systems across several major U.S. cities. The contracts were awarded to West Shores Services Inc., which selected Solar Street Lights USA Inc. to design and assemble the power management systems using Eoplly solar modules.

The systems incorporate a federal emergency siren, power management and battery storage, and two Eoplly EP-156P/60-235W solar modules. They are designed to operate off-grid at 48 VDC, in case of a loss in power during emergency situations, such as national disasters, Eoplly says.

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