EU Projected To Exceed 2020 Renewable Energy Goals


The European Union's (EU) 27 countries will exceed their target of meeting 20% of gross final energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020, according to an analysis from the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

The National Action Plans presented by EWEA show that one-third (34%) of EU electricity demand will be supplied from renewables by 2020. Wind energy will generate 14% of Europe's total electricity demand in 2020 (494 TWh from 213 GW of installed capacity), more than any other renewable source. Solar PV was expected to supply 2.7%, and concentrating solar power was expected to supply 0.5%.

A total of 15 member states plan to exceed their national targets, led by Bulgaria at 2.8% above its target, Spain (2.7%), Greece (2.2%), Hungary (1.7%) and Germany (1.6%). Ten member states will meet their national target, and just two member states – Luxembourg (-2.1%) and Italy (-0.9%) – have informed the European Commission that they envisage using the cooperation mechanisms to meet their national targets.

SOURCE: European Wind Energy Association

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