Renova Energy Releases Solar Map For Coachella Valley


Renova Energy, a solar developer based in Palm Desert, Calif., has unveiled a solar system tracking program that is designed to allow users to interactively follow the development of solar photovoltaic installations throughout the region.

Designed in-house and released to the public through its free RenovaMobile App, the Renova Solar Map was built to track the installation of every solar system installed in Southern California Edison's Valley territory, the company says.

The tracking program was developed using proprietary software and funded entirely by Renova for open distribution. Once the RenovaMobile App is downloaded and opened, users can interact within a Valley map showing installations by city. Users can also perform a search within the Renova Solar Map program table by type of module or installer, and a complete list of all relevant installations will emerge.

The RenovaMobile App can be downloaded here.

SOURCE: Renova Energy

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