SPG Solar Installs 448 kW PV System


The Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA), a joint powers authority redeveloping the non-aviation portion of the former Norton Air Force Base, nonprofit SCRIP Inc. and commercial solar developer SPG Solar Inc. have partnered to install a PV array at the San Bernardino (SBD) Corporate Center in California.

The 448 kW commercial solar system will offset up to 55% of the facility's electricity bill. The installation, including American-made solar panels, adds nearly 20 cleantech jobs to the community and provides an annual savings of $90,000, according to the project partners.

The installation was constructed on the former Defense Finance and Accounting Service facility, which was acquired and rehabilitated by the IVDA. The building, now identified as the SBD Corporate Center, is home to a number of county offices.

SOURCE: SPG Solar Inc.

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