Companies Planning To Add 19 MW Of Solar Projects In Georgia


Georgia Power and Atlanta-based Solar Design & Development (SD&D) say they are collaborating to develop and install 19 MW of solar projects around the state.

When complete, the projects will more than double the state's solar production, according to Georgia Power.

The projects are part of Georgia Power's 50 MW large-scale solar initiative, approved last year by the Georgia Public Service Commission. The utility has contracted to purchase the output of the projects for the next 20 years.

In addition, Georgia Power awarded SD&D a 1 MW contract under the company's solar request for proposals (RFP), issued in May 2011. Solar resources from this RFP will supply Georgia Power's subscriber-based Green Energy program, bringing the total capacity in the program to 5.4 MW.

The 1 MW plant on 10 acres in Upson County, Ga., recently became operational and is now providing enough power to supply the electrical needs of approximately 300 homes.

In this first phase, SD&D relied on service providers, equipment manufacturers and solar installation contractors that are either based in Georgia, or have a strong Georgia presence. These include Reznick Group; Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP; Shoals Technologies Group; Radiance Solar and Cantsink Manufacturing. Origis Energy has long-term ownership of the developments together with SD&D.

Upcoming phases, which will soon be under way, include projects in Meriwether and Mitchell counties.

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