JCM Capital Launches Solar Development Fund For Ontario Projects


JCM Capital has created a C$10 million solar development capital fund that will invest in early-stage photovoltaic projects installed on large commercial and industrial buildings across Ontario, leveraging the province's feed-in-tariff (FIT) program.

The aim of the fund is to target application-ready projects to be submitted into the upcoming Ontario Power Authority's (OPA) application window and assist with early-stage development costs such as FIT application fees, structural engineering assessments, FIT security deposits and grid connection impact assessment costs. The fund will also invest in Ontario-based FIT-contracted projects that have not yet reached commercial operation.

‘JCM has and will continue to support the small to midsize solar market in Ontario with the belief that our investment in distributed solar power generation will provide the maximum benefit to all stakeholders,’ says CEO Christian Wray.

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