New Report Ranks California Cities’ Solar Power Presence


It is well known that California is a leader when it comes to solar energy, but which city leads the pack? The Environment California Research & Policy Center has released a new report on the amount of solar power installed by cities across the state, as of the third quarter of 2011.

San Diego leads all California cities in terms of the number of rooftop solar projects installed, with more than 4,500 installations on residential, commercial and government buildings. San Diego also leads the state in terms of the total amount of electricity generated by these systems, measured in solar capacity, with nearly 37 MW installed.

‘San Diego didn't become the state's No. 1 solar city by happenstance; it was the result of local policies and programs that encourage investment in solar power,’ says the city's mayor, Jerry Sanders." Collaborating with leaders in the photovoltaic industry, the building industry, nonprofit partners and our utility, we'll continue to find new strategies and incentives to maintain the strong pace of solar adoption in San Diego."

One of the key reasons San Diego has been so successful in installing solar, according to Environment California, is the local leadership provided by the community. In the past two years, San Diego has doubled the amount of rooftop solar power installed. From 1999 through 2009, San Diego installed just over 2,000 solar rooftop systems totaling over 19 MW, the organization adds.

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