REFUsol Inc., a manufacturer of solar inverters, says its 012K, 016K, 020K and 024K solar inverters are in compliance with the New York Standard Interconnection Requirements (SIR) and qualify for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority's (NYSERDA) funding programs.
The state's Department of Public Service (DPS) collaborative focusing on interconnection aims to standardize and streamline interconnection requirements for inverters. The SIR report developed by the group focuses on inverters rated less than 300 kVA. REFUsol inverters were tested by UL, and the design has been accepted and certified for all New York state utilities, according to REFUsol.
In January, NYSERDA and the Public Safety Service Commission awarded $30 million to help fund large-scale solar projects that will assist facilities in New York City and lower Hudson Valley in generating electricity for their own use. REFUsol will look to partner with the solar installers and developers that have been awarded funds in order to promote the growth of solar energy in New York.