Senators Introduce 15% By 2021 National Renewable Electricity Standard


Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and Tom Udall, D-N.M., have introduced bipartisan legislation to create a national renewable electricity standard (RES).

Under the proposal, electric utilities would be required to produce at least 11% of their power from solar, wind, biomass and other renewable sources of energy by 2021. The remaining 4% could be achieved through energy efficiency improvements.

States that have higher renewable portfolio standards (RPS) would not be affected by the bill, but states that have no RPS or a lower one would be required to comply with the 15% RES. Utilities selling less than 4 million MWh per year are exempt.

The RES would be implemented gradually, escalating from a 3% requirement from 2012 to 2013 before reaching the 15% requirement in 2021.

SOURCE: Office Of Sen. Jeff Bingaman

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