SunDurance Energy and NAVFAC Southwest have completed a 1.2 MW solar project at the Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) in Barstow, Calif.
The project is the first of three that NAVFAC Southwest has awarded utilizing 10 USC 2922a, which allows the Department of Defense to enter into 20-year power purchase agreements (PPAs). This is one of the first PPAs awarded under this authority.
SunDurance designed and constructed the two tracking arrays at the base. The company also financed the systems and will own, operate and maintain them for 20 years while selling the solar energy to MCLB at a discount to the base's grid electricity rate. The MCLB executed a 20-year PPA in the form of a federal task order with SunDurance for the power generated on-site.
The arrays will produce approximately 2.7 million kWh annually, or 8% of the MCLB's energy needs, according to SunDurance.