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Tag: BloombergNEF

Renewables Reached Record Contribution of 10 Percent in 2021

The world’s wind and solar projects combined to meet more than a tenth of global electricity demand for the first time in 2021, according...

BNEF: 2020 Investment in Decarbonization Sets Global Record

The world has committed a record $501.3 billion to decarbonization in 2020, beating the previous year by 9% despite the economic disruption caused by...

BloombergNEF: California Home Solar Battery Sales Could Quadruple in 2020

BloombergNEF has predicted that at least 50,000 California homes will install storage systems this year.  That figure would quadruple the total from 2019. The forecast...

Falling LCOE of Solar Puts Existing Coal, Gas at Risk

Solar PV and onshore wind are now the cheapest sources of new-build generation for at least two-thirds of the global population. Those two-thirds live...

Falling Cost of Hydrogen Offers Route to Cut Emissions

The falling cost of making hydrogen from wind and solar power offers a promising route to cutting emissions in some of the most fossil...

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