TMEIC Launches Solar Ware Main Site Controller


Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corp. (TMEIC) has introduced the Solar Ware main site controller (MSC). The MSC provides overall coordination and control of the PV plant by supplying access to information regarding the plant's power production. The MSC also operates multiple Solar Ware inverters.

Features of the Solar Ware MSC include the following:

– Singlepoint access to the status of all inverters;

– Power limit reference control, which can enable or disable the site-wide power limit function; and

– Slew rate control, which smoothes spikes in power output caused by events related to start-up and shut-down and power limit changes.

A typical Solar Ware installation consists of multiple Solar Ware stations, configured with multiple power channels, according to the company. The power channels include power optimization and a direct-current box.

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