sPower Completes Two Solar Projects In Utah


Sustainable Power Group (sPower), based in Salt Lake City, has installed and commissioned PV systems on the rooftops of the Natural History Museum of Utah and the HPER East Building at the University of Utah.

The Natural History Museum's system is a 330 kW array, and the HPER East system is a 263 kW array. Combined, the projects consist of 2,470 Sharp photovoltaic panels covering 40,000 square feet of rooftop space. sPower partnered with Okland Construction of Salt Lake City to build the systems, and McCalmont Engineering of Campbell, Calif., to design and engineer the systems.

sPower will own and operate the projects for 20 years and will sell the power to the University of Utah under the terms of a power purchase agreement. This third-party ownership arrangement was made possible due to a $125,000 Blue Sky Grant from Rocky Mountain Power, as well as a $1 million grant awarded to the university through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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