Tioga Energy, a provider of renewable energy services to commercial, government and non-profit organizations, has completed 3.34 MW in solar electric systems for Union County, N.J.
Incorporating installations at 30 separate sites across the county, the project represents the largest public-private partnership of its kind in the U.S., according to Tioga. The primarily rooftop systems range in size from less than 10 kW to almost 500 kW each and provide solar electricity to a variety of municipality-owned facilities, including area schools, libraries and a community center for senior citizens.
All systems were installed through a joint venture between Pro-Tech Energy Solutions and Huen Electric Inc., with design services from environmental and engineering management firm Whitman. Each system was financed through a 15-year SurePath Solar power purchase agreement from Tioga Energy, which also owns and will operate the systems.
Tioga worked with the Union County Improvement Authority to combine low-interest municipal bonds with solar renewable energy certificate sales and federal tax incentives. The company says it will sell the electricity generated by the systems to the county at rates that are approximately 50% lower than those of the local utility.