California Legislature Passes Streamlined Solar Permitting Bill


A bill establishing a streamlined permitting and inspection procedure for small, residential solar energy systems has passed out of the California State Assembly.

Assembly Bill 2188 requires municipalities, in consultation with local fire departments, to create by ordinance an expedited, streamlined permitting process that is available online.

AB.2188 passed the Assembly on a concurrence vote of 66-1, at last count. It passed the Senate Aug. 20 with a vote of 22-1. The bill now heads to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk for signature.

The bill has enjoyed bipartisan support. It is backed by a coalition of business associations, solar companies, environmental groups and local elected officials.

‘Your typical home solar energy system has become practically cookie-cutter,’ said Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of the California Solar Energy Industries Association. ‘From Chico to Chula Vista, we're talking about the exact same product, design and installation, yet many building departments require byzantine permits as if they are installing a nuclear power plant.’

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