China Sunergy Signs Solar Cell Sales Framework Agreement With asola


China Sunergy Co. Ltd., a specialized solar cell manufacturer based in Nanjing, China, has entered into a 10-year sales framework agreement with asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems GmbH, a module producer based in Erfurt, Germany. This nonbinding framework agreement outlines the potential delivery of up to 480 MW of solar cells manufactured by China Sunergy from 2009 to 2018.

Under the agreement, which remains valid from 2009 to 2018, China Sunergy may supply asola a total of 30 MW of silicon cells in 2009, with 50 MW thereafter for each remaining year of the 10-year agreement.

Specific terms and conditions of the supply will be set forth in definitive sales agreements to be further negotiated between China Sunergy and asola. According to China Sunergy, although the framework agreement is not binding, as each sales agreement will be separately negotiated, this agreement effectively helps to strengthen the relationship between the two companies and facilitates the signing of future sales agreements.

SOURCE: China Sunergy Co. Ltd.

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