DCG Systems Inc. has signed an exclusive agreement with Thermosensorik GmbH to develop and market a line of thermal products based on its Focal Plane Array infrared cameras.
According to the companies, the joint DCG Thermosensorik products are optimized for defect detection in semiconductor devices as well as in crystalline and thin-film solar cells.
Besides marketing Thermosensorik's products – ThermoSpector FA and ThermoSpector PV – as stand-alone systems, DCG will incorporate Thermosensorik technology into its new Enhanced Lock-in Thermal Emission (ELITE) product. The ELITE utilizes Lock-in Thermography (LIT) to locate line shorts, ESD defects, oxide damage, defective transistors and diodes, and device latchups without requiring special light-shielding boxes.
Lock-in allows defects to be spatially resolved to a narrow area, and LIT data can then be accumulated for as long as necessary in order to resolve thermal emission sites down to the 1 microwatt range.
SOURCE: DCG Systems Inc.