A company that promotes solar energy among rural households in Bangladesh is among the winners of an international humanitarian honor that is widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize.’
Grameen Shakthi has been named as a recipient of the Right Livelihood Award. Created in 1980 by former European Parliament member Jacob von Uexkull, the award is designed to honor individuals and organizations ‘working on practical and exemplary solutions to the most urgent challenges facing the world today.’ This year's award will be presented in a ceremony at the Swedish Parliament on Dec. 7.
Grameen Shakthi is a not-for-profit company created in 1996 to bring solar electrification to remote villages in Bangladesh. It is part of the Grameen Family of Enterprises that encourages development and investment through microfinance – most notably through the Grameen Bank, which, along with its founder, Muhammad Yunus, received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006.