United Solar Supplying NJRCEV With BIPV Solar Modules


United Solar, a global manufacturer of building-integrated and rooftop photovoltaics under its UNI-SOLAR brand and a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, has signed an agreement to supply a 870 kW building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system to New Jersey Resources Clean Energy Ventures (NJRCEV).

The system will use thin-film laminates. NJRCEV will lease over 300,000 square feet of roof space from a commercial warehouse owner for a period of 20 years and has entered into a concurrent power purchase agreement with the warehouse owner. As a part of this $5 million project, NJRCEV will install a new roof with roof materials and UNI-SOLAR's thin-film solar laminates. The solar system is expected to provide nearly 90% of the building's electric needs.

The project is expected to be operational by January 2011.

SOURCE: Energy Conversion Devices Inc.

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