BLM Proposes Rules for Energy Projects on Public Lands


The United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently published new proposed rules governing leasing and rental rates for renewable energy projects on public lands. The new leasing rules adopt many of the Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) suggestions and will help to speed renewable energy deployment on public lands and put BLM’s renewable energy goals in reach.  

“The new rules will reduce rents and fees for renewable energy projects through 2035 and eliminate duplicative payments for renewable energy developers, helping to lower overall project costs, says Ben Norris, senior director of regulatory affairs at SEIA. “The rules also extend lease terms for renewable projects to 50 years, include a new category for standalone storage and remove competitive leasing requirements in priority areas — all positive developments for the solar and storage industry.

“Taken together, these new rules will create much needed business certainty and help to deliver more reliable and affordable clean energy to consumers,” Norris notes. “We commend BLM for working with the solar and storage industry and issuing thoughtful rules that will help us fight the climate crisis.”

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