NYPSC Extends Net Metering for Solar Customers Due to COVID


The New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) has signaled that it will extend net metering through January 2022 for current customers based on the impact COVID-19 has had on the solar industry. 

In addition, the NYPSC established modest changes to net metering that will impact future rooftop solar customers in 2022.

“We’re pleased that the NYPSC is now recognizing the severe impact COVID-19 has had on the New York residential solar industry and is appropriately delaying any major rate design changes until 2022. This action will enable the residential solar industry to begin its recovery and rehire thousands of out of work New Yorkers. SEIA commends the NYPSC for rejecting more complicated rate design changes that would have further exacerbated harm to the solar industry,” says David Gahl, senior director of northeast state affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

“SEIA remains concerned about the size of the ‘customer benefit charge’ which will be applied to future rooftop solar projects and ultimately decrease the savings customers experience when they switch to solar. While the charges wouldn’t take effect until 2022, we believe a lower charge is more appropriate. We look forward to reviewing the order and having future discussions with the NYPSC,” he adds.

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