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ACORE Examines Upside of PJM Grid Connection

The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) recently quantified the potential economic benefits of the onshore renewable energy projects awaiting grid connection in PJM,...
US Capitol at night

ACORE Weighs In On House Energy and Water Spending Bill

By a vote of 34 to 24, the House Committee on Appropriations last week approved a Fiscal Year 2024 Energy and Water Development spending...

ACORE: IRA Adds to Appeal of U.S. Market for Renewable Investors

"Expectations for Renewable Energy Finance in 2023-2026," an analysis recently released by the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), has assessed how the Inflation...

Two New Senate Bills Aim to Strengthen U.S. Power Grid 

In order to incentivize the construction of critically important transmission infrastructure in America and improve the efficiency of the process, U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich,...

Zayas Chosen as ACORE Head of Policy and Programs

José Zayas is joining the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) as the organization’s new executive vice president of policy and programs. He will...

ACORE: Regional Transmission Organizations Impeding Renewable Development

The current processes in and between regional transmission organizations (RTOs) are impeding the development of low-cost renewable power, according to a review recently released...

Bipartisan Bill Extends the Investment Tax Credit

Congress has reached a bipartisan deal that contains important emergency relief measures for the renewable energy industry, including a two-year extension of the investment...

Clean Energy Jobs Continue to Offer Competitive Wages Despite COVID

To understand the quality of employment opportunities in clean energy-related industries, E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs), the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) and the Clean...

New Initiative Seeks to Expand U.S. Transmission Network

The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) and Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) have launched the Macro Grid Initiative to build support...

COVID-19 Continues to Devastate Clean Energy Jobs

More than 620,000 U.S. clean clean energy workers have lost their jobs since March, after 27,000 new workers filed unemployment claims in May, according...

COVID-19 Continues to Wreak Havoc on Clean Energy Jobs

Nearly 600,000 U.S. clean energy workers have lost their jobs since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic after 447,208 new workers filed unemployment claims...

COVID-19 Decimating Clean Energy Jobs

More than 106,000 clean energy workers lost their jobs in the month of March, and hundreds of thousands more clean energy job losses are...

Clean Energy Sector Sends Letter to Congress Seeking COVID-19 Relief

In a letter delivered to U.S. House and Senate leadership, the clean energy sector has called for the prompt repair and extension of critically...

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