Largo, Fla., Commits To 100% Clean Energy


On Tuesday, the city commission of Largo, Fla., approved the city’s commitment to transition to 100% clean, renewable energy.

Largo, which is located in the Tampa Bay Area, represents the fourth city in Florida and the 75th in the U.S. to establish this goal, according to the Sierra Club.

The commitment to switch to 100% clean energy comes as an addition to and approval of the Largo Environmental Action Plan (LEAP), which “sets the direction for collaborative and sustainable operations” across the city, says the Sierra Club.

The plan includes 35 indicators to guide sustainability efforts, focusing on three main areas: infrastructure, workforce and natural resources.

“I am proud to support our vision of being the community of choice in Tampa Bay through a transition to 100 percent renewable energy. This will lower electricity costs and provide our residents, businesses and visitors with less pollution and more economic and job opportunities,” says Laura Thomas, sustainability coordinator for Largo. “This commitment will assist us in improving local air and water quality and protect public health, particularly for the most vulnerable across our community.”

“I am extremely happy to see that Largo is willing to take this step to help in what hopefully, one day, will be a worldwide conservation effort,” adds Jamie Robinson, Largo city commissioner. “The process will be a journey, but I can’t wait to start to see the implementation of this plan both for the City of Largo and the community.”

Largo has also committed to establish a specific date to achieve the goal as part of the next update of the LEAP in 2021. In addition, the city has adopted a goal to power all municipal operations with at least 50% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% renewable energy by 2035.

“Largo has shown great leadership to integrate 100 percent renewable energy goals in their new environmental action plan. Implementing renewable energy and energy efficiencies saves money, reduces pollution and creates local jobs,” adds Bryan Beckman, leader of the Sierra Club Largo Ready for 100 campaign. “We look forward to working with city officials and our local partners to make this commitment a reality and to ensure that Largo residents and businesses receive the greatest benefits through this clean energy transition.”

Other Florida cities that have also committed to 100% clean energy include St. Petersburg, Orlando and Sarasota. Largo is the second city in Duke Energy’s service territory to commit to 100% clean energy, according to the Sierra Club.

Local solar company Unicity Solar Energy is currently offering discounts on going solar in the Largo area.

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