Abbeon Cal Releases Electronic Thermocutter


Abbeon Cal Inc., based in Santa Barbara, Calif., has introduced the AETC-20 electronic thermocutter. The cutter is designed for clean, effortless cutting in many applications, including cutting solar panel resins, the company says.

According to the company, operators will meet very little resistance during the cut due to the product's the sharp blade and heat penetration as the blade moves through and then seals the edges. At only 11.5 ounces – compared to other hot knives that weigh over 2 pounds – the cutter also promotes reduced operator fatigue.

Temperature can be controlled from zero to 1,050 degrees F with a simple thumb motion, and an electrical current control switch allows a broader selection of large blades, Abbeon Cal adds. The cutter comes with a tool stand.Â

Abbeon Cal: (800) 922-0977

SOURCE: Abbeon Cal

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