The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) has approved Tucson Electric Power's (TEP) Bright Tucson Community Solar Program, whereby participants will be able to purchase shares of solar energy for as little as $3 per month. The power will be produced by local photovoltaic systems, including an array that will be built at the University of Arizona's Science and Technology Park later this year.
Program participants will be able to purchase 150 kWh blocks of solar energy at a rate that adds $3 per month to their bills. Six blocks would cover the annual electric use of a typical household at a premium of just $18 per month. Customers can buy as many blocks as they like until the available solar energy is fully subscribed, and they can cancel at any time.
The Bright Tucson Community Solar Program also offers protection against future energy cost increases. The rate paid for each block of solar power will remain fixed for 20 years. Because each block offsets the cost of an equivalent amount of traditional generation, the price premium paid by program participants would effectively be reduced if those traditional charges were to increase, TEP explains.
Power for the Bright Tucson Community Solar Program's first subscribers would be provided by a 1.6 MW single-axis tracking PV array that will be built this year by SOLON at the UA Science and Technology Park. Future demands would be met through new solar power systems located in the Tucson metropolitan area.
SOURCE: Tucson Electric Power