Alencon Systems Inc. has developed a new inverter series, consisting of modules known as a GrIP(s) (Grid Inverter Packages), which can scale up to support multi-megawatt utility-grade installations of 100 MW, the company says. Each GrIP module is rated at 2.5 MW and measures 1 meter by 1 meter by 2.2 meters.
Alencon Systems' GrIP modules are connected to a PV harvesting system consisting of hundreds of its Solar Power Optimizers and Transmitters (SPOTs). SPOTs are designed to boost the output voltage from each PV string to a DC voltage of 2500 V. Each SPOT also regulates voltage and current to keep each PV string at its maximum power point, resulting in an estimated increase in harvested energy of up to 12% compared to conventional connection of PV strings, according to the company.
Each system monitors grid voltages and currents, active and reactive power, DC/AC voltages and currents, semiconductor temperatures, the temperatures inside and outside enclosures, as well as the current, voltage, power and temperature on each string of PV modules. This comprehensive monitoring system is based on three-dimensional virtual-reality software.
The product will be unveiled at the upcoming Solar Power International conference, Oct. 12-14.
For more information, visit
SOURCE: Alencon Systems