Ariz. Rep. Sinema Introduces Renewable Energy Tax Credit Legislation


Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., has proposed H.R.1424, the Security in Energy and Manufacturing Act of 2013 (SEAM Act), which would extend the Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit program.

‘The program provides a 30 percent tax credit, or grant in lieu of a tax credit, to companies constructing, expanding or retrofitting their facilities that manufacture renewable energy,’ Sinema said during her introduction of the bill, according to a transcript posted by her office.

‘We have seen our manufacturing base erode as a result of increased global competition,’ she continued. ‘Not only will the SEAM Act help us rebuild our manufacturing industry, but it will also provide an opportunity to do so while exploring responsible energy production.

‘Energy innovation is quickly becoming one of the world's largest industries, and countries all over the world are purchasing billions of dollars' worth of wind turbines, solar panels and other energy technologies,’ she added. ‘I want to see those products made in the United States and for our country to remain competitive.’

The full text of the bill can be found here.

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