Ascent Solar Inks Supply Deal For European Distribution


Ascent Solar Technologies Inc., a developer of flexible thin-film solar modules, says that Green Earth Energy and Technology will begin the distribution of Ascent Solar's thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) modules for building-integrated PV and portable power solutions in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany.

The agreement with Green Earth Energy and Technology gives Ascent Solar access to multiple segments in Europe's solar market, including direct integration into building materials for residential and commercial solutions, the company explains.

‘This relationship will give us access to new and emerging market opportunities in building-applied photovoltaics that could provide significant opportunity in Europe over the coming years,’ says Farhad Moghadam, president and CEO of Ascent Solar." We also expect that other products in our lineup of flexible, lightweight CIGS modules will be marketed through this relationship.’

SOURCE: Ascent Solar

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