On April 2 at The Ritz-Carlton in San Francisco, Ocean Tomo Auctions will sell a patent and pending applications directed to high-volume semiconductor production platform technology for very low cost solar cell, LED and other commercial applications.
‘Ocean Tomo is extremely excited to offer this patent and the several applications from Ahura Energy in the auction,’ says Dean Becker, vice chairman of Ocean Tomo. ‘As the process can be used with many types of semiconductors and has applications in a wide variety of fields, including the cost-effective and environmentally friendly production of solar power systems cells, this patent portfolio is a valuable acquisition opportunity for any player in that field.’
The production platform and process has been applied to many materials – such as CdTe, CIGS, GaAs, CdS, ZnSe and Si – for semiconductor applications, particularly in the field of solar cell manufacturing. A solar power generation system based upon such technology can meet a cost of under 5 cents/kWh, or under $1/watt, the companies say.
For more information, call (312) 377.4851 or e-mail auctions@oceantomo.com.