BLM OKs Components Of Dodge Flat Solar Energy Center


The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved the construction of facilities related to the proposed Dodge Flat Solar Energy Center (DFSEC) in Nevada.

The Carson City District’s Sierra Front Field Office of the BLM approved the Dodge Flat Utility and Road Crossing Project, authorizing the construction of access roads and buried utility lines across two parcels of BLM-administered land to serve the DFSEC, which will also be permitted to use existing improved roads, segments of which cross public lands, as secondary access to the DFSEC.

The 200 MW AC solar PV project, proposed east of Reno, is being developed by NextEra Energy Resources LLC on approximately 1,632 acres of private land. The facility, which would also integrate battery storage, would serve NV Energy.

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