Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has launched its annual New Energy Pioneers program, which honors up to 10 companies from around the globe for their potential to contribute to clean energy technology innovation.
Since 2009, the program has honored companies that represent a broad range of industries, including wind, solar, smart grid, energy storage, electric vehicles, energy efficiency and bioenergy.
A panel of industry experts, supported by BNEF technology specialists, will select the winners according to their potential scale, innovation and momentum. The winning New Energy Pioneers will have developed unique technologies, a robust business model and have the potential to be influential in the marketplace on a global scale.
Applications for the program will close on Dec. 3, and the winners will be announced on April 22, 2013, at BNEF's Finance Summit, to be held in New York. To receive an application form or to nominate a company, click here.