Officials from the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), BP Solar International Inc. and Brookhaven National Laboratory have commissioned the Long Island Solar Farm (LISF) project.
Owned by BP Solar and Met Life, the 32 MW LISF features 164,312 solar panels hosted at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory. According to the companies, it also boasts the smallest footprint for a solar array of its output.
LISF is expected to introduce approximately 50 GWh of energy into LIPA's electric grid annually. LIPA has entered into a long-term power purchase agreement with LISF to provide the energy produced and renewable energy credits from the solar farm. The costs to LIPA under the PPA for the energy produced by LISF are estimated to total $298 million (including interconnection costs) over the contracted 20-year term, or about $0.60 per month for the typical residential customer.