Broad Reach Power and Sungrow Sign Battery Storage Equipment Deal


Broad Reach Power LLC has entered into an agreement with Sungrow Power Supply Co. Ltd. for 1,000 MW of energy storage technology to support the construction and operation of six standalone battery storage projects in Texas.

“Broad Reach is committed to investing in and developing energy infrastructure to help support the grid in key markets such as Texas,” says Doug Moorehead, Broad Reach Power’s managing partner and chief technology officer. “Broad Reach’s energy storage projects, connected at both distribution voltages and high voltage transmission, are critical in the further growth of solar and wind renewable generation in the US as well as the resiliency and reliability that US grid operators will increasingly demand in the future.”

“Broad Reach is the U.S. leader in energy storage development and asset buildout. This is one of the largest orders ever placed in the energy storage industry for this equipment and represents a historical inflection point for this globally important and purpose driven ESG-focused industry,” states Mizhi Zhang, managing director of ESS business for the Americas region at Sungrow.

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