California Energy Commission to Award Form Energy with Storage System Grant


The California Energy Commission (CEC) has voted to award Form Energy a $30 million grant to support deployment of a 5 MW multi-day energy storage system in the state. 

Form Energy will build the project at the site of a PG&E electric substation in Mendocino County. 

Expected to come online by 2025, this will be Form Energy’s first project in California and the first multi-day energy storage project in the state.

The CEC is supporting this project through its Long Duration Energy Storage program, dedicated to accelerating the implementation of non-lithium technologies. Form Energy will use the grant funds to develop and operate the project, with PG&E providing land and an interconnection point at the substation site.

“We are excited to be building our first project in California, a place that holds special significance to many Form Energy employees as their home state, and as my home state, too,” says Mateo Jaramillo, CEO and co-Founder of Form Energy. 

“Long duration, and specifically multi-day, energy storage technologies have significant potential to help California meet its decarbonization, affordability and reliability goals. We thank the CEC for this grant and for their continued leadership and we thank PG&E for their ongoing collaboration in helping to bring this project to fruition. We expect this will be the first of many multi-day storage projects to come in California.”

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