California Legislation Would Support Deployment Of Community Solar Projects


California State Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Davis, has introduced S.B.843, legislation that would establish a framework for shared community renewable energy systems for customers of the state's major utilities (Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric).

Customers who choose to participate would receive credit on their utility bills for their portion of clean power generated – as if those renewable energy systems were located at their own home or business.

The bill's coalition of supporters includes business, school and environmental groups such as Small Business California, School Energy Coalition, Community Solar California, Environmental Entrepreneurs, Vote Solar and the Natural Resources Defense Council. The bill's other co-sponsor is the City of Davis, Calif.

‘California's rooftop solar market has grown tremendously, but the traditional panels-on-your roof model still simply doesn't work for many Californians,’ says Hannah Masterjohn, community solar advocate at Vote Solar. ‘That leaves a huge portion of the state's solar opportunity on the table.’

The bill is currently under consideration by California's legislature.

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