California Remains On Track To Reach Aggressive Renewable Energy Goals


California is making steady progress in deploying solar power and other forms of renewable energy, according to remarks by Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif., during his state of the state address.

‘We are … meeting our renewable energy goals – more than 20 percent renewable energy this year,’ Brown said, according to a transcript posted on his website. ‘By 2020, we will get at least a third of our electricity from the sun and the wind and other renewable sources – and probably more.’

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) praised Brown for reiterating his support for the state's 33% renewable portfolio standard (RPS).

‘With this stepped-up commitment, additional solar firms throughout California will be in a position to further their growth,’ SEIA noted in a statement. ‘Fast-growing solar companies throughout the state have greatly expanded their presence since 2001.’ A total of approximately 43,700 solar professionals are working at 1,505 California solar companies in California.

SEIA noted that the California Solar Initiative and net metering provisions have been key in allowing solar power to flourish in California. The state is currently ranked first in installed solar capacity, according to SEIA data.

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