California Unions for Reliable Energy (CURE), a coalition of unions whose members promote the development of power plants in an environmentally responsible manner, says it has entered into a project-labor collaboration with K Road Calico Solar LLC, an independent utility-scale solar project in San Bernardino County, Calif.
The project's developers are finalizing permits to construct up to 663.5 MW of solar capacity on federal lands 37 miles east of Barstow. The project will consist of 563 MW of solar PV technology and 100.5 MW of Stirling-dish solar thermal technology.
As part of its collaboration with CURE, K Road Calico will implement specific measures to avoid or minimize the project's impacts on special-status plants and wildlife, as well as on state jurisdictional waters. Additional measures will be employed to further protect worker health and safety during construction and operations of the facility.
These measures go above and beyond those K Road Calico is already undertaking as part of its permitting process with the Bureau of Land Management and California Energy Commission, according to the partners. In addition, as part of the alliance, CURE will work with K Road Calico as it finalizes its permits and executes contracts for the sale of power to California consumers.