Ascent Solar Technologies Inc., a developer of flexible thin-film solar modules, says Cambrios Technologies Corp., which has developed wet-processed transparent conductive films, has selected Ascent as its research partner.
The companies will investigate how these wet-processed films can be applied to lightweight, flexible copper indium gallium diselenide photovoltaics, which is a topic of a recently awarded U.S. Army contract W911QY-BAA-09-11-1 from the U.S. Army's Natick research facility.
As part of the program, which will be undertaken on behalf of the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center, Cambrios will deliver flexible solar cells that incorporate a Cambrios ClearOhm electrode layer.
Because of the material's improved transparency and light handling capability, it is expected that these cells will be 1% to 3% more efficient than the equivalent cells made with the conventional transparent electrode material, according to the companies.
SOURCE: Ascent Solar Technologies Inc.