The California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE) has appointed retired Rear Adm. Len Hering Sr. its new executive director.
Alan Ball, an energy consultant and chair of CCSE's board of directors, says Hering was selected after a nationwide search to succeed long-time CCSE executive director Irene M. Stillings, who served as the center's executive director from 2002 to 2012. CCSE is a San Diego-based nonprofit organization that works with stakeholders throughout the state's energy sector to meet California's energy goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Hering served 32 years in the U.S. Navy, retiring in 2009, and was noted as one of the Navy's top experts in base operations and facility support with an emphasis on sustainability and the environment. He received several state, local and federal awards for efforts ensuring the Navy's environmental responsibilities with fiscally sound practices, including the creation of the Federal Sustainability Network in the Pacific Northwest and Southern California.
Hering has also been recognized with awards for instituting numerous sustainable measures, including solar energy, water conservation and waste reduction, while vice president for business services and administration at the University of San Diego during 2009-2012.