Germany-based Centrosolar says it is launching an English-language version of the Centrocheck planning tool to the international market.
Centrocheck is now available to help installers plan solar installations in any country, the company says. Each country version automatically includes the solar panels, inverters and country-specific calculation available for use in each particular country. In addition to installers and solar professionals, homeowners can also use the free online tool to precisely plan individually tailored photovoltaic systems based on Centrosolar panels.
Centrosolar says the online tool provides all of the information necessary to plan, build and operate a photovoltaic system. Solar professionals can enter all parameters individually and plan the entire system, from installation drawings to roof and inverter layout right through to yield and efficiency forecasts. The plan drawing is in 3D and may be both rotated and zoomed. Interfering surfaces on the roof are also taken into consideration to ensure precise design of the panel layout.
The program compiles all of the necessary project documents, including data sheets, cabling diagrams, installation drawings and initial operation reports. Centrocheck is also available as an app, fully independent of the operating system on the mobile end device.