Cheryl Martin Joins New York’s REV Team


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority has appointed Cheryl Martin to lead a team involved in New York's Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative.

Martin will oversee and manage a process to assist private technology companies and investor-owned electric utilities to develop new business models and form partnerships.

Pursuant to an order by the Public Service Commission, electric utilities must file their initial proposed demonstrations projects with the Department of Public Service no later than July 1 for review and approval. These REV demonstration projects are intended to provide technology companies and utilities with an opportunity to test and explore new business models anticipated by REV.

Martin will work with state energy agencies and the governor's office to facilitate the REV demonstration project partnership process.

Martin recently founded Harwich Partners LLC to work with public- and private-sector entities to identify critical business, technology, finance, regulatory and policy drivers that would accelerate adoption of new technologies into key markets. Previously, she was acting director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy program.

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