Chinese PV Manufacturers, Government Fire Back Against Trade-Violation Accusations


The anti-dumping complaint and countervailing-duty petition filed against China this week by SolarWorld and the six other U.S.-based solar product manufacturers that constitute the Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing have provoked reaction from China's government and solar manufacturers.

Yingli Green Energy, a China-based solar product manufacturer, said it is currently reviewing the petition with its lawyers. ‘We would like to remind everyone that such petitions obviously present only the views of one side, and only a partial view of a very complicated story,’ the company said in a statement.

‘We are confident in our position, and we intend to mount a vigorous defense,’ Yingli continued. ‘We are committed to the U.S. market for the long run, since we have faith in our products and technology and believe that we are well positioned to continue to compete effectively in the U.S. market.’

, another large Chinese manufacturer, also reported that it is reviewing the complaint alongside its legal counsel.

‘Anyone can file one of these actions; having filed an action is in no way a validation from the U.S. government as to the merits of the action,’ Suntech said in a statement. ‘Companies listed in the petition are not subject to a single blanket judgment, and each individual company, including Suntech, will respond in accordance with [International Trade Commission] and [Department of Commerce] guidelines.’

Suntech added that it will continue to work with its customers under business-as-usual practices until the matter is resolved.

The Chinese Commerce Ministry took a more aggressive stance, criticizing the trade complaint and warning that it could have grave economic consequences.

‘If the U.S. government files a case, adopts duties and sends an inappropriate protectionist signal, it would cast a shadow over world economic recovery,’ a Commerce Ministry official said in a statement posted on the agency's website, according to Reuters.

The unnamed official also claimed that the complaint demonstrates hypocrisy, as the U.S. government has taken measures to promote its own domestic industries.

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