Co-op To Buy Power From A Dozen New Wisconsin Solar Projects


Dairyland Power Cooperative, which provides wholesale electricity to 25 member distribution cooperatives and 17 municipal utilities, has finalized contracts with two developers to purchase over 15 MW from a dozen new utility-scale solar PV projects in Wisconsin.

“As Dairyland celebrates our 75th anniversary this year, we are excited to announce very significant solar generation plans that far surpass current solar resources in the state,” says Barbara Nick, president and CEO of the co-op.

Last year, Dairyland issued a request for proposals for solar generation resources. At this point, the co-op has power purchase agreements in place with two solar developers, Vermont-based groSolar and Chicago-based SoCore Energy, for 12 new solar facilities to be sited in Wisconsin.

The solar installations will range between 0.5 MW and 2.5 MW in scale, with groSolar developing a 2.5 MW project in Phillips, Wis., and SoCore Energy developing the rest.
The developers will install, own, operate and maintain the solar facilities. The first projects are expected to become operational this summer, with others continuing to come online into the fall.

These projects constitute Dairyland’s largest solar investments to date, and the co-op says it is continuing negotiations for additional solar resources in its service territory. Further project announcements are anticipated in the near future.

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