Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie (HZB) and STANGL Semiconductor Equipment AG have partnered to develop production-scale equipment for alternative buffer-layer deposition in thin-film solar cell fabrication.
The newly developed spray ion layer gas reaction (ILGAR) process is a thin-film deposition method developed and patented at HZB. The technology has been used to deposit indium sulfide buffer layers, which are capable of replacing the cadmium sulfide buffers used in chalcopyrite cells in order to avoid toxicity.
According to the companies, a certified efficiency of 14.7% has been achieved in the lab on a commercial absorber from AVANCIS, without the need for any wet treatment or the presence of cadmium. Also, the ILGAR process is reproducible and inexpensive, making it suitable for rapid scale-up in an inline process on large surface areas.
STANGL: 49 061819828020