Companies Installing Solar At Brazilian Soccer Stadium


Gehrlicher Ecoluz Solar do Brasil SA, a joint venture of Germany-based Gehrlicher Solar AG and Brazilian environmental technology group Ecoluz Participacoes SA, has been awarded an international tender by the Brazilian utility Coelba.

The contract includes planning and construction of the first photovoltaic system on a soccer stadium in Latin America, according to the companies. Gehrlicher Ecoluz Solar do Brazil will install a 403 kW solar power system on the roof of Pituacu Stadium in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.

The project involves the use of two module technologies: thin-film modules made by United Solar Ovonic installed on the canopy covering the grandstands, and monocrystalline modules mounted onto the locker room and some parking lot roofs.

Construction will start in September, and the system's grid connection is scheduled for December. Financing for the system is supported by power producer Coelba and the government of the state of Bahia, the owner of Pituacu Stadium.

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