Concentrating Solar Power Companies Form Industry Alliance


Concentrating solar power (CSP) companies Abengoa, BrightSource Energy and Torresol Energy have formed the Concentrating Solar Power Alliance (CSPA). According to the companies, the new organization is dedicated to educating U.S. regulators, utilities and grid operators about the unique benefits of CSP and thermal energy storage.

‘We believe CSP, with the ability to dispatch electricity when it is needed, is critical in meeting the energy challenges facing the United States and the world,’ says Tex Wilkins, executive director of the CSPA.

There are currently over 500 MW of CSP plants operating in the U.S and more than 1,300 MW of CSP plants under construction nationally, with many gigawatts more under development, the CSPA says.

The formation of the CSPA follows the creation of the World Solar Thermal Electricity Association (STELAWorld), a consortium of industry associations representing the solar thermal electricity industry in Europe, Australia and South Africa. While independent of STELAWorld, the CSPA says it will work closely with these associations to further advance the solar thermal industry in the U.S. and abroad.

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