Crown Designs Lead-Acid Batteries For Renewable Energy Systems


Crown Battery Manufacturing Co. has introduced a new line of renewable energy batteries aimed specifically at the solar, wind and microhydro markets.

Crown says these products are designed with heavier plates and the company's proprietary LifePlus active lead material, which ensure longer discharge and more cycles. In turn, they are able to provide longer life, increased reliability, higher performance, enhanced configurability and lower maintenance, making them suitable for demanding applications.

The new product line consists of 21 models of 12-, 6-, and 2-volt batteries. The CRP Monobloc series includes nine 12- and 6-volt batteries with capacities from 130 to 525 ampere-hours (100-hour rating). The CRP Power Module series has 13 models, all 2-volt batteries with capacities ranging from 710 to 3690 ampere-hours (100-hour rating).

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